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Data Structure & Algorithms

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Websites & Platforms​

  • HACKERRANK has to be the first platform you should start coding. It has problems in every language you can think of with well-categorized sections.

  • GEEKSFORGEEKS One site which has helped me improve my problem-solving skills a lot and still helping is GeeksForGeeks, or as often techies call it GFG, is the best portal for Computer Science.

  • CODECHEF The popularity of Codechef is growing every day amongst the coders of every age group.

  • CODEFORCES This is one of the portals where the audience base is enormous in terms of numbers and skills. It's one of the most competitive portals for problem-solving.

  • LEETCODE One of the websites which are industry-recognized. You will see many software developers from Google, Amazon, and Facebook recommend you solve problems on LeetCode.

πŸŽ₯ Youtube Vidoes​

πŸ“¦ GitHub Respositories​

  • trekhleb/javascript-algorithms Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings

  • TheAlgorithms/Javascript Algorithms implemented in Javascript for beginners, following best practices.

  • tayllan/awesome-algorithms A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms. Inspired by awesome-awesomeness and all the other awesome Awesome libraries.

  • thepranaygupta/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms An Open-Source repository that contains all the Data Structures and Algorithms concepts and their implementation in several ways, programming questions and Interview questions. The main aim of this repository is to help students who are learning Data Structures and Algorithms or preparing for an interview.

  • sachuverma/DataStructures-Algorithms This repo contains links of resources, theory subjects content and DSA questions & their solution for interview preparation from different websites like geeksforgeeks, leetcode, etc.